Oh my Goth - The Dark Side of Milan

Sarpi, Milan, Milan, Italy

2 days h

16 spots

8 km

€ 4,99

I'll show you the dark side of Milan! We'll take an extensive photo tour of the grand cemetery, wander through a gloomy Renaissance villa, sneak into a glittering palazzo, revel in the Gothic splendor of the Duomo, cringe at stacked bones, eat black ice cream and drink in an ancient church. The tour fills two days in Milan.

I'll show you the dark side of Milan! We'll take an extensive photo tour of the grand cemetery, wander through a gloomy Renaissance villa, sneak into a glittering palazzo, revel in the Gothic splendor of the Duomo, cringe at stacked bones, eat black ice cream and drink in an ancient church. The tour fills two days in Milan.



Servus dear travelers and curious locals! I am Patrica, come from Bavaria and live in Munich. When there is no pandemic, I love to travel for my life and especially visit places and museums that are related to my studies (history and culture of the Middle East). Since I have family in Sardinia, I am also regularly traveling there and enjoy the insanely beautiful and varied nature. My analog camera accompanies me everywhere. But no matter where I am traveling: For me, it is important to travel sustainably and environmentally friendly. There is still a lot to change here!

Where the tour leads

We walk and ride in public from the Cimitero Monumentale through Chinatown to the old town and Navigli.

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These and more spots are waiting for you

Benvenuto a Milano!
Where the dead reside
• • •
Oldest flea market in Milan
#instafood: black icecream

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