Hamburg: Beatles Tour on the Reeperbahn

Saint Pauli, Hamburg, Germany

3 h

10 spots

1.8 km

€ 1,99

When the Beatles came to Hamburg in 1960, no one could have guessed what an icon the band would become. The five boys from Liverpool were underage, totally under-driven as a band and lost on St. Pauli. In this tour we discover where exactly the Beatles played & lived and how the band developed during this time. We see videos from that time and hear the musical influences as well as sound recordings from that time. Oh yes, we also get to know the totally crazy nightlife of the 60s. Last but not least, I show you where you can still buy first pressings of LPs today.

When the Beatles came to Hamburg in 1960, no one could have guessed what an icon the band would become. The five boys from Liverpool were underage, totally under-driven as a band and lost on St. Pauli. In this tour we discover where exactly the Beatles played & lived and how the band developed during this time. We see videos from that time and hear the musical influences as well as sound recordings from that time. Oh yes, we also get to know the totally crazy nightlife of the 60s. Last but not least, I show you where you can still buy first pressings of LPs today.

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Under trabble tours you will find some of our selected tours in Germany and worldwide. Follow us through the neighborhoods and districts - discover new corners and classic must-sees. Unter trabble tours findest du einige von uns ausgewählte Touren in Deutschland und weltweit. Folgt uns durch die Veedel und Kiezes - entdeckt neue Ecken und klassische Must-sees.

Where the tour leads

We visit all the spots around the Große Freiheit where the very young Beatles performed and became stars.

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These and more spots are waiting for you

Moin on St. Pauli!
Bambi cinema| Paul-Roosen-Str. 33
• • •
Coffee break
Buy music: Minigroove Records n' Books

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